About the Website: Who Will Benefit and How

This site is dedicated to providing information and examples to assist the development community within the needs assessment and decision-making process of implementing a clean water project.

Within the site, the tab Project Steps will provide information on how to determine if a water improvement projects is needed and the steps for implementation, with the tab Products providing an overview of the major water filtration products that are focused upon meeting the water needs of developing nations. Also found within the site is a blog that is open for any individual or organization to comment on and discuss the water needs of developing countries.

While all members of the development community will benefit from this site, those that will receive the most benefit are the local non-governmental and civil organizations working in developing nations and the populations of the developing nations that are directly effected by unclean water sources. Through providing information in a clear and easy-to-use manner, the website can be helpful to organizations and individuals that have a wide range of skills and competencies, allowing those directly in need to be reached. Larger developing organizations and individuals within developed nations can use the site as a one-stop-shop for obtaining a list of water filtration products and contacts, thereby reducing the time and effort needed within deciding upon a best course of action when implementing clean water projects in developing nations.

Picture Source: Vitzthum, E.F., and Atkins, W.A. Drinking Water and Society. Water Encyclopedia:Water Issues. Retrieved 25 April 2011, from http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Da-En/Drinking-Water-and-Society.html