The Need for Clean Water

In the developing world, 2.5 billion people lack improved sanitation facilities, with 1.2 billion lacking any sanitation facilities at all. Similarly, nearly a billion people access their drinking water from unsafe sources. (UNICEF) Thus, because nearly 50% of the developing world’s population is lacking improved sanitation and over 884 million people are accessing unsafe water sources, 3.575 million people die from water based diseases every year. (UNICEF &

Improved water sources have the ability to impact more than just the health of the developing nation, with the economic, educational sector, and environment all reaping benefits. For instance, improved clean water accessibility can aid in the reduction of water related illness and death in children, which in turn can lead to 272 million more days of school attended and $3.6 billion a year in potential future earnings ( Furthermore, the World Health Organization estimates that for every $1 invested in safe water and sanitation, a return of anywhere from $3 to $34 can be realized (

Thus, through investing in water purification  products, projects, and organizations, the lives of individuals within developing nations can be greatly improved

Picture Sources:; Water for Survival. Oxfam. 2011. Retrieved 25 April 2011, from; The Challenge. Aqua Clara. (2011). Retrieved 25 April 2011, from; Unclean Drinking Water in Undeveloped Countries. Facebook. 2011. Retrieved 25 April 2011,  from; Unclean Drinking Water Threatens Health of 320 Mln Chinese. Xinhua News Agency. (2011). Retrieved 25 April 2011, from; Why Water? Walk for Water for Africa 2011. 2011. Retrieved  25 April 2011, from