Needs Assessment


The following questionnaire is available as a basic guide to determining the water needs within a specific country, region, or village. The questionnaire is meant to be a tool for gathering the necessary needs assessment information and for gaining a general understand of the water needs, and is NOT meant to be taken as a set of strict requirements that must be met in order to implement a clean water project.

Question 1: If you answered High Risk, a water improvement project may reduce the target population's risk of getting a diarrheal disease. If you answered Unknown please complete further research to determine if the target population is at risk.
Question 2: If you answered no, a water improvement project can increase access to improved water sources and reduce the threat of disease. If you answered Unknown please complete further research to determine if the target population is at risk
Question 3: If you answered Over 500 cfu/ml, the target population has a high risk of contacting a water based disease and can greatly benefit from a water improvement project. If you answered 100 to 500 cfu/ml, the target population's water source is not at a critical level, but could still be improved by a water improvement project. If you answered Unknown please complete further research to determine if the target population is at risk

Once again, these questions are only to be used as a guide for determining the water needs of a target population and should be used to support an external needs assessment.

Source: Robertson, W. and Brooks, T. (2003). Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety. World Health Organization. Retrieved 27 April 2011, from and Improved water Source (% of Population with Access).The World Bank. (2010). Retrieved 27 April 2011, from